Creating a Word Merge Document

In Prolog Converge, you can create documents, such as dunning letters, change orders, and PCO notifications, directly from an existing record. Data from this record is automatically merged into the template.

To ensure that the correct address is displayed in the document, use the appropriate field:


Note: To create a Word Merge document, you must belong to a user group with the MS Word Documents - 'Add' permission, which is set in the Administration area (User Groups > Record Set Permissions).

To create a Word merge document

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. To create a document Do this Notes

    Based on an existing record

    Open the record on which to base your Word document, and then click .

    The Word Merge Creation wizard appears.

    If you opened the record in Edit mode, you are prompted to save it before creating the Word Merge document. Click OK to proceed.

    Not based on an existing record

    On the View menu, click Word Processing > Word Merge > Create.

    The Word Merge Creation wizard appears.


  3. Use the following filters to display the templates:
  4. Filter Type Description

    Template Type

    Filters the templates by availability. A template's type is set in Prolog Manager.

    All: Every template available to the currently open project.

    Portfolio: Templates that are only associated with the current portfolio.

    Current Project Only: Templates that are only associated with the currently open project. Templates that are associated with other projects as well as the currently open project are not displayed.

    Current Project and Project Linked: Templates that are associated with the currently open project and other projects. Templates that are associated with other projects in the portfolio are not displayed.

    Template Group

    Filters the templates by group. A template's group is set in Prolog Manager.

    If you are creating a document based on an existing record (e.g., Meeting Minutes), the templates that were designed for this record are automatically selected (e.g., Meeting Minutes template group). You can choose a different template group; however, there may be fields in these templates that do not match the current record. In these cases, these fields appear as blank.


    Filters the templates by category.

    A template's category is set in Prolog Manager.

  5. Select the template from the displayed list.

    A preview of the template appears in the Template Preview box.

    Tip: To magnify the image, hover your mouse over the Template Preview box.

  6. Select the recipients for this Word Merge document.

    Depending on the type of merged document, default contacts may already be selected. Note that one document is created for each selected contact.

  7. To Click Notes

    Create a new contact

    Add Row

    A blank row is added at the bottom of the grid. Enter the contact and company name or click to search for an existing one. Ensure that a valid email address is assigned to each recipient.

    Add an existing contact

    Add Contacts

    Launches the Contact Search window.

    Delete a contact from the selected list

    Select the contact and click Delete Current Contact.

    Click OK when prompted to delete the selected contact.

  8. At the top-left corner, click Create Word Merge Document.

    A preview of the document is displayed.

  9. For each merged document, do any of the following:
  10. In this box Do this


    Enter a reference number for this document.


    Select the date when the document was created. The current date is the default.


    Enter a title for the document. The template name is the default.

    Save a PDF

    Save a PDF copy

    Select this check box to create a PDF copy that is linked to this Word Document and the originating document, if any.

    Note:Your Administrator can determine whether this check box is selected by default.


    Optional: Change the name of the PDF.

    If this document is created from the View menu (Word Processing > Word Merge > Create), the PDF is saved to a Project Files subfolder under the 'MS Word Documents' folder (or the folder determined by your Administrator). The name of the subfolder is consistent with the Number field of the Word Merge document.

    If this document is created from a source document, the PDF is saved to a Project Files subfolder under the source document type. The name of the subfolder is consistent with the number of the source document. A link to the source record is available on the Links tab in the File Properties window of the Word Merge PDF in the Project Files subfolder. For more information on project files and file properties, see "Working with Project Files" and "Defining File Properties".
    For example, if you create a Word Merge document from an RFI (Number 002), the PDF is saved in Project Files >View Files > RFI Documents > 002.

    This Word Merge PDF is also linked to the source document can be viewed from the Files tab of the source record.

    General Information Tab


    Optional: Select a topic for the document.


    Optional: Select a category for the document.


    Enter the name of the company or click the Search button to find one.


    Enter the name of the recipient or click the Search button to find one. If a company has been selected, the Search button only displays contacts from that company.


    Optional: Enter any notes for the recipient.

    Word Document Tab

    Format the document using the built-in features.

  11. Click Save & Continue.
  12. If you create a merged document from a record, the document is listed under the Links tab of your record. You may need to refresh your record by closing and re-opening it. A list of all Word merged documents is listed under the Word Merge > All view.